How Anyone Can Make $150k / $200k+ Per Year Without A College Degree As An Independent Insurance Adjuster

We show complete beginners how to hit the ground running and make $50 an hour working as an insurance adjuster.

Why Independent Insurance Adjusting...

If you are someone who is busy who is looking for a simple way to switch jobs and make 6-figures per year instantly…You guessed it…Independent Insurance Adjusting is for you.Now that you know what to think about before you completely dive in on adjusting, I want to tell you why I love this job opportunity so much.#1: It pays great.Insurance adjusting is going to give you a super fast path to making a 6 figure income.I love that adjusting gives you the opportunity to simply make more money without you having to drop hundreds of thousands of dollars on a college degree like most 6 figure jobs require.#2: Work life balanceYou can even expect to steal some time back from your current job as an adjuster. You won’t have to work crazy long hours for minimal pay.You are going to be well compensated for your work.But more importantly, you will have time to spend with your friends and family.#3: Barrier to entryIndependent insurance adjusting has a low barrier to entry compared to most other job opportunities.It's unheard of in any field to make $280,000 in your first year. But one of my students was able to do that as an adjuster.Most people don't have the time or resources to become an investment banker, let alone start the next Apple.That's why if you're someone who's extremely busy, but is looking for a way that they can earn six figures, without working crazy long hours then Independent Insurance adjusting is for you.And that's why I created The Roadmap to Becoming an Independent Insurance Adjuster.To make people aware of the opportunity that is independent insurance adjusting. I've helped hundreds of people get hired as IA’s and the best part is about 90% of them are still working.Ignoring the opportunity of Independent Insurance adjusting is like taking a shotgun and shooting yourself in the foot.Absolutely handicapping your life.Handicapping your freedom, and your financial security.

Results from my students inside IIA...

Student’s who are going through my course are having crazy results.One student is making $124 an hour for part time work.Another just wrapped up his first year as an independent insurance adjuster…He made $287,000.Yup.That’s nearly $24,000 per month.In his FIRST year.You can make more than a doctor as an adjuster in just one year.If that isn’t enough to make you become an adjuster I don’t know what will.But maybe there’s something that will.Meet Key.In 2020 she was making $1,200 every 2 weeks.She quit her job and decided to get her IA license.After sitting on the license for a little she finally decided to take massive action…Well,She just got paid $9.2k for 13 days of work.Or the story of Adrian who made over $3k for less than a week of work.Or the story of Jade, a college dropout who got into Insurance adjusting…She made $30,000 in less than 5 weeks working hurricane Ida claims.The list goes on.My students combined for an estimated $3.6M in 2021.That’s right…Million.They put in the work, and got the results they deserve.And the best part is, anyone can do this with a few months of solid work.If you want to be next you can’t afford to miss out on my course.Independent Insurance Adjuster Academy.I am so excited for your future.Things are about to get fun.

@stephencstorey My life completely changed once i found out about independent insurance adjusting! Check out my bio for more info #success #independentadjuster ♬ original sound - Stephen Storey

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